Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Most Used Tarot Deck: Rider-Waite

This is by far my most used tarot deck... I have others but these are the ones I go to for a reading. They are classic and the scenes hold a great deal of symbolism.

Get this deck on sale at Amazon. There is no need to pay high prices at a specialty shop when you can order them online. I have purchased through Amazon for years!

Search for Tarot on Amazon

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tarot Card Impressions: The Page of Wands

The page of wands is a very positive card. He is young, energetic and full of enthusiasm. This is a great time for starting new ventures, especially creative ones. You may be so full of new ideas but lack a concrete plan. I say give it a go! Don't let the lack of a set in stone plan stop you from starting down a new and exciting path. Of course, if this path involves spending a great deal of money or other sacrifices, you may want to put more thought into it. But, there are so many ideas that don't involve the use of money, just time and effort. Maybe you have been wanting to write a book..... just start writing. Or, maybe you have wanted to start a blog... go for it! There are free blog sites online. Perhaps you want to learn how to sew or want to start gardening. There are many ways to learn these skills without spending money. 

So, when you see this card, be happy! It is a sign that the creative side to your nature is going to spark and guide you on new and possibly unexpected paths!

Traditional meanings for the Page of Wands: Courageous, confident, enthusiastic.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Favorite Tarot Card: The Empress

Here she is in all her glory............. The Empress. To me, she symbolizes "mother" and all that comes with that title. She is nurturing, creative and tolerant. This card may indicate an impending birth. This may be an actual birth or symbolic one. Women, as mothers, create life. I usually consider this a great card in a spread. Many good things can and will happen when the Empress appears. 

If you considering a new idea or business venture, meditate on the Empress card for guidance. Also, seek her guidance in matters of fertility.

Traditional meanings of the Empress: Fertility, abundance, beauty.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Card for the Day: The Hierophant

Here is the card I choose today.... The question I asked was related to whether or not I should expand and begin card readings by email.

The Hierophant: Many see this card as representing organized religion and belief systems. The way I interpreted the card for myself today was: a need to use and integrate my belief system with my current plans to branch out my card reading activities. The Hierophant is a spiritual guide and mentor. He very often teaches others spiritual ways. If I have the ability to read the cards, then I should offer my services and consultation to people who may not have the opportunity to visit a card reader in person.

The Heirophant may be seen as a rigid figure. Many people associate this card with the "Pope". I am personally fond of the Pope, speaking as a figurehead in general. He is the spiritual leader for millions of people all over the world. Being Catholic, I often light candles and pray before reading the cards. That is just what works for me.

Common meanings for the Hierophant:

Upright: Religion, group identification, conformity, tradition, beliefs
Reversed: Restriction, challenging the status quo
Have a great day!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New tarot blog!

Hello everyone,

I am Michele a.k.a. Poochie Baby. For those of you who know me, I have a crochet accessory and design business that is also named Poochie Baby. The name is a long standing term in my family to describe the kids when they are "misbehaving".

This is my new tarot blog! I just love the cards............... I began reading about 25 years ago. I find the cards to be a practical way to get guidance. I'm not psychic.... I do not speak to spirits..... I just read the cards and tell people what they are saying to me. Some may find this strange, but I don't!

Follow the blog to get weekly cards and other great tarot info.
